Reuter Hall

Reuter Hall offers apartment style living while still having the convince of living on campus. 

Sustainable Features:

CarShare Program: The Location of Reuter Hall is convenient for students that do not have a car. The Enterprise CarShare Program has one of its cars parked in the stadium lot near Reuter Hall. The CarShare program encourages fewer cars on campus while also using a more energy efficient car at reasonable rates.

Common Living Space: Reuter Hall offers a common kitchen area shared between multiple students which reduces consumption of goods and water.

Green Space: The location of Reuter Hall allows easy access to outdoor space including the campus field, Myrick Park, and city trails.

Smoke Free: To assure superior air quality, UW-L has designated all campus buildings smoke-free.  Students, staff and visitors are requested to not smoke within 25 feet of any building entrance. 

Beyond Recycling: UW-L’s R-5 recycling program has evolved to include elements on equal ground with the standard reduce, reuse, recycle.  UW-L currently buys items made with recycled content (re-buy) and everyone is encouraged to consider (rethink) the environmental consequences of purchasing decisions.